Texture Packs 0.7.2
This files are not .zip but .rar so you need to extract the files first, you'll find 4:
- Birch
- Jungle
- Spruce
- Oak (the classic one)
Yes! now you'll be able to select your favorite wood color!!! it's not possible to mix different woods yet but now we have a choice! Each extracted file is ready to use as a normal texture pack.
You know that we have some problems with the animations (water, lava n' fire) and HD texture packs:
Water n' lava on redstone ores n' fire on every grass block very very annoying
The problem is that the game is configured to work with the 16x terrain image, and we can change the terrain image size but we can't change the place where the animations are placed so if the game animates the same texture places we get animations on grass, bricks, netherrack, pumpkins n' redstone ore (at least) check the pic:
But thanks to 500 Internal Server Error we can disable the animations with a patch, you can find it in this THREAD, you can also find a patch to force the game to render the items with the current texture pack instead of using the default GUI blocks image (all this textures have the default GUI), and of course all this works better using the BlockLauncher.
JaninaCraft Texture Pack for 0.7.2
Original Thread:
This files are not .zip but .rar so you need to extract the files first, you'll find 4:
- Birch
- Jungle
- Spruce
- Oak (the classic one)
Yes! now you'll be able to select your favorite wood color!!! it's not possible to mix different woods yet but now we have a choice! Each extracted file is ready to use as a normal texture pack.
You know that we have some problems with the animations (water, lava n' fire) and HD texture packs:
Water n' lava on redstone ores n' fire on every grass block very very annoying
The problem is that the game is configured to work with the 16x terrain image, and we can change the terrain image size but we can't change the place where the animations are placed so if the game animates the same texture places we get animations on grass, bricks, netherrack, pumpkins n' redstone ore (at least) check the pic:
But thanks to 500 Internal Server Error we can disable the animations with a patch, you can find it in this THREAD, you can also find a patch to force the game to render the items with the current texture pack instead of using the default GUI blocks image (all this textures have the default GUI), and of course all this works better using the BlockLauncher.
JaninaCraft Texture Pack for 0.7.2
Original Thread:
- Birch
- Jungle
- Spruce
- Oak (the classic one)
Yes! now you'll be able to select your favorite wood color!!! it's not possible to mix different woods yet but now we have a choice! Each extracted file is ready to use as a normal texture pack.
You know that we have some problems with the animations (water, lava n' fire) and HD texture packs:
Water n' lava on redstone ores n' fire on every grass block very very annoying
The problem is that the game is configured to work with the 16x terrain image, and we can change the terrain image size but we can't change the place where the animations are placed so if the game animates the same texture places we get animations on grass, bricks, netherrack, pumpkins n' redstone ore (at least) check the pic:
But thanks to 500 Internal Server Error we can disable the animations with a patch, you can find it in this THREAD, you can also find a patch to force the game to render the items with the current texture pack instead of using the default GUI blocks image (all this textures have the default GUI), and of course all this works better using the BlockLauncher.
JaninaCraft Texture Pack for 0.7.2
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Soartex Fanver Texture Pack for 0.7.2
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Soartex Fanver Texture Pack for 0.7.2
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Steelfeathers' Enchanted Pack for 0.7.2
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Steelfeathers' Enchanted Pack for 0.7.2
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Original Texture Pack [updated] 0.7.2
This is the default pack with different wood colors n' some updated blocks:
- Iron door
- Rose
- Lava
- Water
- Fire
- Ice
- Rose
- Lava
- Water
- Fire
- Ice
Sadly the ice block remains the same, the transparency can't be changed in the textures, the rose looks nice but if you move fast you'll see it kinda blurred, put an eye on the water, lava n' fire n' tell me what you do think, the PC animation strips are longer so they're not exactly the same in this PE version
Summerfields for 0.7.2
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Original Thread:
Summerfields 0.7.2
Dragon Dance for 0.7.2
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Decraftik for 0.7.2
This is an old retired pack, so it's no longer available for MCPC, the leaves in this pack look really fine.
Original Thread: [16x, 32x, 64x, 128x, 256x, 512x,] [1.4.7/1.5] SPHAX PUREBDCRAFT (2801/13)
Ok this is an old video and reviews the PC version, but it's only to see how does looks like this great TP.
Download: Sphax PureBDcraft 0.6.1
Dokucraft 0.6.1
Original Thread: (16x,32x,64x) (1.5) DOKUCRAFT, THE SAGA CONTINUES.
Ok this is an old video and reviews the PC version, but it's only to see how does looks like this great TP. In this version is fixed the problem with the default flowing water on netherrack blocks but still remains the problem on corner of the redstone ore, it's a different texture for flowing water n' quartz blocks.
Download: Dokucraft 0.6.1