Mines of Moria by Jacques Remy
This map has been customized to create a huge mountain and vast caves, the map is based on the book, the film, and it's adapted to the small terrain in the Pocket Edition Minecraft. The main challenge is to keep building all the possible structures in the mines, remember Moria was a huge city.
The first video shows the Doors of Durin (the West Gate), the height of the mountain the 3 ways n' the room where the fellowship rested the first time here's where the bucket/chains/rock etc., fell into the abyss, as is written in the book, not what the film shows
The second video shows the Great Hall, the Chamber of Mazarbul (tomb of Ballin) the stairs in the middle of the abyss, the Bridge of Khazad-dum 2 more halls (not shown in the film or mentioned in the books) n' the Dimrill Gate (East Gate) the Balrog is not lit in the video 'cause in v0.6.1 we had no fire.
Mines Of Moria PE by Jacques Remy is licensed under aCreative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 3.0 Unported License.
Basically this is a map to review texture packs.
- You can NOT re-upload this map on any other website.
- You can NOT change the original link.
- You may edit the map and share the work that you have done.
- You may use this map in videos or screenshots.
- You may use this map in Realms or a server for multiplayer gaming.
Kab's Texture Pack Showcase Pocket Edition
Original Thread: [1.4] KAB'S TEXTURE PACK SHOWCASE MAP (TEST TRACK)Basically this is a map to review texture packs.
Pics coming...
Download: Kab's TP Showcase
Download: Isles of Phantasia
Download: Kab's TP Showcase
Isles of Phantasia
Original Thread: Isles of Phantasia Survival Map
Jacques Remy's Complete World 0.5.0
This is an all in one edition:
- Stronghold
- Mineshaft
- Desert Village
- Forrest Village
- Desert Temple
- Jungle Temple
- Desert Well
- Witch Hut
- Beautiful Jungle Canyon
- Ravines on surface n' underground
- Cave sistem
- Water n' lava falls
Everything was ported from MCPC
You 'll easily find the stronghold, n' you can find the stairs to the mineshaft in the jungle but take care, there are tons of mobs n' it's not so easy to run away, creepers will turn the jungle into a desert if they can...
Jacques Remy's Complete World 0.5.0
- Mineshaft
- Desert Village
- Forrest Village
- Desert Temple
- Jungle Temple
- Desert Well
- Witch Hut
- Beautiful Jungle Canyon
- Ravines on surface n' underground
- Cave sistem
- Water n' lava falls
Everything was ported from MCPC
You 'll easily find the stronghold, n' you can find the stairs to the mineshaft in the jungle but take care, there are tons of mobs n' it's not so easy to run away, creepers will turn the jungle into a desert if they can...
Jacques Remy's Complete World 0.5.0
***I'm using JaninaCraft TP in these screenshoots.
Download: Jacques Remy's Complete World
You can also download each map:
- Great seed (can't remember what I wrote but put these numbers 1350259579 n' you'll get it clean)
- Mineshaft ported from MCPC, big enough to get lost inside, added cobwebs n' chests
- A pair of dungeons
- A pair of ravines
On surface:
- Cobblestone generator (cobblestone fountain***)
- Tons of monsters spawning at night (I've seen more than in my other maps)
- Beautiful waterfall
- Minicaves
Download: Jacques Remy's Mineshaft
- Amazing seed (Horrid Seed)
- Stronghold ported from MCPC
On surface:
- Huge Mountains
- Water fall
- Lava source
- Mini caves
You can also download each map:
Jacques Remy's Mineshaft
- Great seed (can't remember what I wrote but put these numbers 1350259579 n' you'll get it clean)
- Mineshaft ported from MCPC, big enough to get lost inside, added cobwebs n' chests
- A pair of dungeons
- A pair of ravines
On surface:
- Cobblestone generator (cobblestone fountain***)
- Tons of monsters spawning at night (I've seen more than in my other maps)
- Beautiful waterfall
- Minicaves
Download: Jacques Remy's Mineshaft
Jacques Remy's Stronghold
- Stronghold ported from MCPC
On surface:
- Huge Mountains
- Water fall
- Lava source
- Mini caves
Download: Jacques Remy's Stronghold
*** Cobblestone Fountain:
And of course the new blocks!
Remember the stairs to the mineshaft in the first version? well that's the entrance now, it's in the middle of the jungle almost on the top of a mountain, you'll end up in the middle of a ravine when you get there it'll be easy to find everything if you don't fall into the lava.
There's a cave near to the mineshaft stair, but entrance is some blocks above the cave
If you think it's hard to find it you can dig in the forrest village n' try to find it so. Ü
Download: Jacques Remy's Complete World 0.6.1
On surface:
Download: Jacques Remy's Nether Fortress
You'll be stuck in The End, there's nothing alive, nothing but you... it was a good idea to bring all that stuff in your inventory! just keep yourself breathing, maybe one day this could be a nice place...
- The whole End ported from MCPC
- All what you need is in your inventory (use it wisely)
Download: The End by Jacques Remy
*** Cobblestone Fountain:
Jacques Remy's Complete World II v0.6.1
This version has all the updated blocks from MCPE 0.6.1and has a bigger stronghold, 2 mineshafts n' a pair of dungeons!And of course the new blocks!
Remember the stairs to the mineshaft in the first version? well that's the entrance now, it's in the middle of the jungle almost on the top of a mountain, you'll end up in the middle of a ravine when you get there it'll be easy to find everything if you don't fall into the lava.
There's a cave near to the mineshaft stair, but entrance is some blocks above the cave
If you think it's hard to find it you can dig in the forrest village n' try to find it so. Ü
Download: Jacques Remy's Complete World 0.6.1
Jacques Remy's Nether Fortress
Ok, this is a piece of the beloved nether for pocket edition, there are enough netherrack, lava n' of course a huge fortress! ÜOn surface:
Download: Jacques Remy's Nether Fortress
The End by Jacques Remy
You'll be stuck in The End, there's nothing alive, nothing but you... it was a good idea to bring all that stuff in your inventory! just keep yourself breathing, maybe one day this could be a nice place...
- The whole End ported from MCPC
- All what you need is in your inventory (use it wisely)
*** I'm using Ravand's TP in these screenshoots.
Download: The End by Jacques Remy